Unicorn Wine Guild, LLC


This site  The Web 

Unicorn Wine Guild, LLC  

 1816 Washington Boulevard   Belpre, OH   45714

  Phone: ________ | Fax: ________ | unicornwineguild@sbcglobal.net

Monday, December 8, 2008

We're Just about There

We've passed another hurdle today and are about to complete another.  Yes, we are still delayed, but keep looking for us in the New Year.  Painting and flooring are almost done.  There are still some final touches to do on the cabinets and LOTS of cleaning.  Have a happy holiday season.

4:18 pm est

Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving
It's Thanksgiving week and I take this time to be thankful.  Our phone and fax lines were run last week and best of all we received our TTB wine permit.  Now we need our Ohio inspection and then we can work on label approval. We are thankful that while everything has taken much, much longer and cost a lot more than we had ever thought, it appears that 2009 will provide us with the opportunity to recoup some of the money we've put into this project.  We are thankful for all our supporters and while the economy seems to be in the pits, there is hope that we will open the doors in January.  Stay tuned.
10:05 pm est

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Watch for a new website

Coming soon.  A new website for Unicorn Wine Guild.  Yes, new and improved.  Our website consultant is in the final stages up updating and we should be online soon.  Yes, same address.  Just a new design.  Meanwhile, we are trucking away as best we can.  The floor painting should be done soon.  The ceiling tiles are being installed.  Non-alcoholic supplies are starting to arrive in hopes of an opening date in the near future.  Be sure to visit again and see the new website.

9:45 pm est

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Welcome to November
It's November and we're still not open for business, BUT we're a lot closer.  We've had three inspections in the last couple of weeks and  been given provisional go aheads to the next stage.  Everyone seems to want to be the last one to inspect and they all want to see it with the "napkins on the table" and set for dinner.  Meanwhile, we are plugging away.  I guess the good news is that we have received the "final" bills from two of the contractors.  So, we must be down to the finishing touches.  We've been painting, getting our supplies, finishing the construction of the cabinetry and trying not to think about the money going out with no income coming in.  Oh, and we've been filling out more forms and trying to educate ourselves some more.   This little hobby has turned into quite an expedition.  Stay tuned.  One of these days there actually may be a ribbon cutting.
8:49 pm est

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Yes, we're still out there
Yes, we're still out there, working at the remodel and waiting for approval from the government.  One delay after another and everything takes longer than planned.  Over the last month we have been working away painting, installing cabinets, ceiling grid, building the tasting bar and working on the paperwork.
We have had our first interviews via phone with the TTB and it appears the Ohio Liquor Control foks have made a site inspection.  We are hopeful that we will hear from TTB soon and obtain our health license in the near future.
Keep checking back.  We're spending all our free time working on the business and it has been an adventure.  The way things look with the stock market, we won't have to sell apples on the street like back in the thirty's, but we will be able to turn those apples into something tasty.
8:25 pm est

Thursday, September 11, 2008

We're getting closer
We just wanted to keep in touch with you as we have been busy, busy with the building project.  Right now it seems that we are about 90% done.  We have several projects to complete but there is a lot that is done.  Some floor finishing, some ceiling tiles, a few cabinets and counter-tops, some trim paint, a big clean-up project to make the place sparkle and we're done.  We are also in the process of upgrading the website and getting a schedule set.  Thanks for your patience.  We are sure that you will enjoy the final product.
4:53 pm est

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Progress - slow, but sure
There is finally a faint light at the end of the tunnel.  Is it a train or the end of the tunnel?  It's too early to tell, but it seems that every room is 75 or 80% done.  A few more days of contractors.  A few more weeks of paint and wait.  Meanwhile, we are still educating ourselves and planning, planning, planning.  Keep tuned.  It will happen.
7:40 pm est

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The smell of paint and wood
Yes, we're still here.  Yes, we're still hoping to open in a couple of months.  Yes, I just loved spending my vacation painting because it  means progress is being made.  The last week has been spent painting the rooms (trim and a couple of walls to go), laying tile, attaching the cabinets to the boards that are attached to the walls and making a quick trip to Columbus to file for the license.  It's actually beginning to look like something and I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.  Just hope it's not the train coming.  Keep checking back.  As we get even closer to opening we'll let you share our excitement.
7:08 pm est

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Smell those fumes
Yes, smell those fumes.  That's the smell of progress.  The first fumes are from the glue used to secure the marlite to the kitchen wall.  The others are from the paint.  We're waiting on the last of the black ceiling paint to be sprayed on.  But, it's about 80 percent done.  In the meantime, the base coat is on the new drywall and the final coat is on the two rooms and the hall.  It's easier to paint now before having to worry about all the trim.  Slowly but surely it's all coming together.
8:50 pm est

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fixing the Problem
It has been a challenge fixing the problem with the Father's Day link.  It's just been one of those days where you wonder what else will go wrong.  The shipment of supplies we expected got "lost".  It was finally found in Columbus, but after waiting all day.  Then we're told that we have a gas leak - at home.  And received the sad news of the death of one of our mentors.  When it rains, it pours, as the commercial says.
8:29 pm est

8:20 pm est

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Yes, I Know Father's Day is Over

Yes, I know that Father's Day is over, but for some reason I cannot get the Father's Day Amazon link to uninstall.  Such is the fate of amateur website builders.  I will keep working on it and learning more. Stay tuned for further updates.

7:31 pm est

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Celebrating the 4th - Not
Time flies when you're having fun.  I didn't realize it had been so long since I had updated everyone on the progress of the winery.  So much has happened this last month.  The drywall is about 99% complete and has been sanded awaiting the first coats of sizing and paint.  The wine showcases are in the process of being made by Joel and the HVAC is scheduled to be in next week.  At last.  Several trips have been made to Columbus and the vendor list is being reduced to manageable levels. 
There's still a lot to do - windows, doors, paint, paper, floors.  So while we are moving along, it looks like it will be another couple of months.  Sigh.  Stay tuned for further updates. 
4:02 pm est

Sunday, June 8, 2008

We're Havin' a Heat Wave - I Hope
It's in the 90's here and with the big storm we had earlier in the week, it's also humid.  I was hoping this was a heat wave, but it doesn't appear that the weather is going to improve.  Meanwhile, drywall is starting to go up and it's actually starting to look like more than a big room.  It's starting to look at lots of rooms.  While construction is ongoing, small-ware purchases and working on procedure manuals and other items of "office work" are in process.  Hopefully in the next month or so we'll have a better idea of an opening date.  Stay tuned.
5:21 pm est

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Another Milestone has been Reached
We've passed the electrical inspection and the drywall has arrived.  Unfortunately the rain is leaking in where a vent pipe has gone through the roof.  That should be repaired soon.  Meanwhile we've begun the search for "small-wares".  That is "stuff" like glasses, plates, flatware and cookware.  Slower than we'd like, but surely, the winery is shaping up.  Keep coming back for updates and we'll see you soon.

6:54 pm est

Sunday, May 25, 2008

We've passed another inspection
Hi, everyone
It's been longer than I had planned since my last update.  Time flies when you're having fun, as they say.  The metal studs are up for the first phase of the build out and the electrical and plumbing lines are just about in.  In fact, we have had our second plumbing inspection and passed it with flying colors.  This was after a camera inspection by Mr. Rooter to be sure that no one had driven a nail through the line.  They hadn't, but did discover that sewage was backing up into our new, never used sewer line from somewhere upstream.  So, rather than fight city hall and the landlord, we paid for the jetting that would be needed to pass the inspection (and future sewage).  Oh, but what's another $400?  Let's see.  Carpeting or tables or table service or.... any of a number of nicieties we would liked to have had.  Yes, this project is certainly more expensive than we had hoped. 
Come see us when we're open.  Our store may not be the most glamorous around, but I bet it will be one of the friendliest. 

Sunday, May 25, 2008

We've passed another inspection
Hi, everyone
It's been longer than I had planned since my last update.  Time flies when you're having fun, as they say.  The metal studs are up for the first phase of the build out and the electrical and plumbing lines are just about in.  In fact, we have had our second plumbing inspection and passed it with flying colors.  This was after a camera inspection by Mr. Rooter to be sure that no one had driven a nail through the line.  They hadn't, but did discover that sewage was backing up into our new, never used sewer line from somewhere upstream.  So, rather than fight city hall and the landlord, we paid for the jetting that would be needed to pass the inspection (and future sewage).  Oh, but what's another $400?  Let's see.  Carpeting or tables or table service or.... any of a number of nicieties we would liked to have had.  Yes, this project is certainly more expensive than we had hoped. 
Come see us when we're open.  Our store may not be the most glamorous around, but I bet it will be one of the friendliest.
7:14 pm est

Thursday, May 1, 2008

We Have Walls!
We have walls!  Well, at least studs.  Most of them, anyway.  I finally can see the rooms in 3-D.  I've been doing rain dances this week.  Some of you may not want it, but if t rains, we get workers at the winery.  Most of the studs are up and the electrician comes next week.  We hope.  There is still so much to do, but as I see the walls go in, I realize that it's time to start finalizing the menu, the dress code and start thinking about employees.  Wow.  I can't believe it's really coming to fruition.  People have been so supportive.  If all those people who tell us they will patronize us really do, we should do just fine.  I'm still going to keep my fingers crossed, though.   Check back soon and also be sure to check out our sister site "Tea at the Unicorn Wine Guild."  And if you're in the mood for something from Amazon, please go through the link on the right. 
3:34 pm est

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Road Trip

It's been a busy week for us as we ready the Unicorn Wine Guild, LLC for the public.  We spent the weekend at the winery of our consultant learning more about small batch production.  We also had a nice stay at a bed and breakfast that also serves tea by reservation.  The owners were nice enough to spend a couple of hours telling us how they run their business.  And on the home front, work has slowed as we await the contractor to finish with a previous job and get started on ours.  But, at least the utilities (except telephone) seem to be on schedule.  We're still hopeful for an early to mid-summer opening.

8:45 pm est

Monday, April 14, 2008

Progress Update

As the trees bud and bloom, the winery does, too.  The sewer system is installed and passed inspection and the cement floor has been repaired after all the digging that was required.  Some of the heating and air conditioning is in and hopefully  the roof repair is done. (We'll find out next time we have a good rain.) Interior wall construction should begin in the next week.  We're also in the process of registering our trademark and slogan.

We've had some more publicity with a feature in last Sunday's business section of the Parkersburg News and Sentinel.  Again, thank you, Jolene Craig, for the coverage and to Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down for a Thumbs Up.  And thank you, those who have said they will patronize the business once we're open.  We look forward to serving you.  I'm also told we've been mentioned on the radio, but missed that. 

7:12 pm est

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

PA Restaurant Association Meeting
We've just returned from the Pennsylvania Restaurant Association Meeting, the first of this type of meeting we've attended.  We missed out on the Ohio Restaurant Association show, so chose this one.  It was quite an experience and was useful in helping us understand how these  meetings worked and we did meet some great people and made some useful contacts.  One of the highlights was the fire alarm sounding on Sunday afternoon.  Everyone exited the building in a timely fashion and enjoyed the brief respite.  Rumor has it that one of the cooking contestants managed to set off the alarm. 
Again, thanks to Jolene Craig of the News and Sentinel  for her interview and to those who are supporting us in our efforts.  We are still weeks away from opening and realize there is so much to do to prepare for the opening.   Come back soon and we'll keep you posted.

7:57 pm est

Thursday, April 3, 2008

News at the Unicorn Wine Guild, LLC
This has been a busy week for the Unicorn Wine Guild, LLC.  Construction continues with the heating and air conditioning.  The big news is that the local television and then the local newspaper put out articles about the future winery.  We were surprised about this as we did not contact them and did not intend to until closer to opening.  But, it is what it is and we felt both media were favorable.  We were also happy to see the results of the poll done by the local television.  Almost 75% of the respondents were in favor.  Thanks, folks.  We look forward to providing the city with a quiet, relaxing place where friends and/or business associates may meet.  We have a lot of plans for events at the winery such as classes about tea, coffee, wine (and maybe even chocolate), a wine club, tea club, and various other seminars.  We'll let you know when we are closer to opening. 
3:57 pm est

Sunday, March 30, 2008

A Progress Update

This whole process has been an education for us, that's for sure.  We've learned a lot about law and safety issues as well as learning about food, drink and computers.  Please keep visiting us as we come closer to opening.  The mailing list should be up and running within the next few weeks as we decide on a company to help us manage it.  Be sure to visit our sister blog  - the link is in the mailing list box on the right - and learn about the tea culture. 

Meanwhile, here are a few tips for you, courtesy of Food and Wine.  A standard bottle of wine contains about 750 ml. or about 25 ounces.  So, you can serve 5 five ounce glasses.  For a two hour (or so) cocktail party, you might want to allow for each attendee consuming three glasses of wine.  So, if you have 20 guests at that party you might consider that they will consume a case of wine - which is 12 bottles. 

For a four hour dinner party with 8 people, they might consume 5 glasses in those 4 hours.  So, consider the need for a bottle of wine per person - or 8.  

They also tell us that to bring wine to the proper serving temperature, you need to consider the following:  White wine is served at 55 degrees F.  That means it will need about an hour and a half in the fridge to reach that temperature.  To speed things up, you can put it in the freezer for 40 minutes (don't forget it's there) or in ice and water for 20 minutes.  Red wine is served at 65 degrees F.  That takes about 20 minutes in the fridge. 

I hope that helps you with planning your next party.  Come back and visit again soon.

3:20 pm est

Monday, March 24, 2008

The Unicorn Wine Guild, LLC
Just what is the Unicorn Wine Guild, LLC? 

The Unicorn Wine Guild, LLC, where there’s “a little magic in every sip,” will be a microwinery dedicated to providing our customers with hospitality, knowledge, and quality services for an enjoyable beverage-related experience.  In addition a tea room and coffee shop will complement the experience.  This concept is also known as a “fusion” beverage store.

Storage space for wine in process along with supervision, equipment and expertise to assist the hobby wine maker in producing a quality product will be a part of the business as will educational and entertaining seminars, classes, clubs and other events.  Wine, tea and coffee related food, gift items and baskets; meeting facilities and a friendly and comfortable atmosphere will assist in providing a complete beverage experience for wine hobbyists, coffee and tea enthusiasts, area residents and tourists. 

8:42 am est
8:14 pm est

2008.12.01 | 2008.11.01 | 2008.10.01 | 2008.09.01 | 2008.08.01 | 2008.07.01

Link to web log's RSS file


Welcome to our web site!
We have been planning the business since 2007, and we pride ourselves on providing customers with the best-quality products and personal service. You will be able to order from us using our online catalog, order over the phone, or visit us in our retail location.  Please note: As wine sales are regulated by individual states, wine shipment to you or your designated gift recipient may not be available.  As we expand our business, we hope to serve your coffee, tea, wine or facility needs.  Come back and watch as our dream comes true.


We take an enormous pride in creating our winery and our line of products, and hope that you will find something in the catalog were are developing that you like.  We will have items related to the enjoyment of wine, coffee and tea.  We also will create custom orders (again, wine regulations will limit alcohol choices); let us know what you want.

We look forward to doing business with you.

We look forward to doing business with you.

Our Hours
Tuesday - Friday




Join Our Mailing List

By joining our mailing list, you will be the first to know about:

  • Breaking news about our business
  • Helpful tips
  • Exclusive special offers
Mailing List Coming Soon! 

Click here to visit our blog at "Tea at the Unicorn Wine Guild."

We are proud members of the following organizations:



Unicorn Wine Guild, LLC   1816 Washington Boulevard   Belpre, OH   45714    unicornwineguild@sbcglobal.net

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